Reading List

If I am completely honest, you would need to know that a review of Take This Bread by Sara Miles (as promised in the previous post) will probably be pretty far down the road. And, if I am completely honest, I would have to admit that I am pretty ADD when it comes to reading. At any given moment, I may be reading 5-10 books. Right now I am still working through Take This Bread, but I am also reading the book of James, The Cost of Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer, As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner, and Saint Augustine's On Christian Belief. So, needless to say, I am pretty booked (no pun intended) for the summer. I hope to post my reflections on James as I read through it and write my weekly Bible studies for my youth. I'm sure my other readings will make their way into the reflections, so you will get your review of Take This Bread in due time. Until then, be well.