Karl Barth, Robert Webber & Frank Viola on “The Laity” - a rant

I know that I am not a responsible blogger, as I have before stated, but here is the link to someone who is. Many of you probably already read Andrew's (my husband-to-be) blog, but in case you do not you should know that Andrew is so wonderfully thoughtful (and thought-provoking) that one cannot help but to respond in some way - written or verbally. Please read his recent post on "The Laity," and let me know what you think (more importantly let him know what you think). I am prone to more emotion-driven and careless responses, so I am choosing my blog to be a place where we can get a little out of hand with our opinions, all the while sparing Andrew of the headache of putting up with his out-spoken wife(to be).


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