I'm back

I am finally back.
I realized it when I was in Greek, giddy with anticipation that the professor might call on me to rattle off my best attempt at 1 John.
I am so excited to me translating the New Testament again.
It's been a while (3years to be exact) since I last translated any, and I am so glad that I decided to take Greek again.

Do you know what I get to do tomorrow?
1. I get to talk theology at 8am,
2. I get to do more Greek,
and 3. I get to re-learn my Church history (well, the second half at least - Reformation here I come!!)!
All the while being spiritually and intellectually formed.

I LOVE it!


I have decide to designate a word for 2010.
This will be a word of

My word?



I love sophia.
I love the wisdom.
I love how Proverbs depicts her.

Wisdom shouts in the street,
She lifts her voice in the square;
At the head of the noisy streets she cries out;
At the entrance of the gates in the city she utters her sayings...
{Proverbs 1:20-21}


How blessed is the man who finds wisdom
And the man who gains understanding.
For her profit is better than the profit of silver
And her gain better than fine gold.
She is more precious than jewels;
And nothing you desire compares with her.
Long life is in her right hand;
In her left hand are riches and honor.
Her ways are pleasant ways
And all her paths are peace.
She is a tree of life to those who take hold of her,
And happy are all who hold her fast.
The LORD by wisdom founded the earth...
{Proverbs 3:13-19}

I pray that I might seek her
and that I might, one day, embody her.

Come, Holy Spirit, Come.


It's a work in progress.
I did a lot of church work this morning.
And, I was mindful that I was doing this and I was doing my best for God.
I do not want to do lukewarm ministry.
I want to always serve with my whole heart.
And, honestly I enjoy it the most when my whole heart is into it.

Maybe this mindfulness/pray-without-ceasing-thing is working out after all...
{at least for today}

A loss for words

I've had a little trouble praying today.
It's funny how that works.
The times when I need to slow down and pray the most are the times when I am working my hardest and I am stressed the most.

It is also interesting how church work can do that to you.
You know?
Becoming too busy with church work to stop and pray?

I guess that is why the monks practiced a sort of mindful prayer, praying constantly through their work, their mealtimes, etc.

I guess I need to take a few lessons from the monks.
Maybe watch a few nun movies?
Sound of Music,
and what's that one Audrey Hepburn is in?

Ok, so maybe not.
But I do need to learn the discipline of mindfulness.

Nobody said this would be easy.


Have you guessed it?

If you guessed that I would resolute to blog more on this here blog,
you'd be WRONG.

That's not it.

I resolute to


Pray without ceasing.

Friday's Lectionary Reflection

On Thursdays at the divinity school, a small group of students and professors gather together to read the lectionary text for the week and share lunches carried in humble brown sacks. So, in good faith, I hope to bring a pilgrim's perspective on the lectionary texts weekly, or maybe bi-weekly, or maybe just monthly - we'll see how it goes. Do not expect my reflections to be profound, or long, or even coherent. I will, at the very least, post the texts for each week; and as much as I can, I will also post a couple of words or reflection in response to my readings and meditations. I will also begin each week with a prayer from the Psalms. So, enough with these introductory words, let's begin our inaugural post.

May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer. ~ Psalm 19:14

Proper 21B/ Ordinary 26B/ Pentecost 17
Old Testament Reading

Esther 7:1-6, 9-10; 9:20-22
Numbers 11:4-6, 10-16, 24-29

Psalm 124
Psalm 19:7-14

New Testament Reading
James 5:13-20

Gospel Reading
Mark 9:38-50

Esther - a woman of courage.
Moses - a prophet in need of prophets.
David - a fellow servant and pilgrim.
James - a prayer.
Jesus - the Rabbi, the Christ, my Rock, and my Redeemer.